Monday, February 23, 2009

iDive into iPhoto

With more than 5,500 pics hiding amongst the cramped corridors of my hard drive, I see no harm in sharing some of my archive. From '02 to'08, enjoy the seemingly random photos that follow:

One of the hardest days of my life. One not soon forgotten.

At a family Christmas get together. Not your average band instrument

Ah, yes. College days. Many hours spent on that roof.

Just band practice, that's all.

Red and future knifing "victim"/KU transfer/Boston Celtic, J.R Giddens.
Without a doubt taken at Abe and Jakes.

Pretty sure Roche was issued a warrant for his arrest after not returning this costume.

One of the funniest days of my life. I filled an entire sim card on the Midwest's NASCAR faithful. Proof that skins in public coupled with wife-beater tanline is visually stunning.

Bar Golf '06. Lots of Bar, not much golf.

First sunset at Torrey Pines. We only got 13 holes in. I didn't care,
I was +27 by that point anyway. This was when moving to California went from
an "if" statement, to "when."

But there was once last college hurrah before California. From Lawrence to Oklahoma City to Chicago, I hopped around state-by-state following the Jayhawks into March.
Just one year premature in an effort to track a champion, but I did witness the best
college basketball player I've ever seen in my life.
Behold, Kevin Durant. Monster.

By the way, if any one has any hints on how to make the text wrap around pictures, I'd obviously love them. This looks like some shit version match the caption to photo.

Epic blog post fail.

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